Getting Ready for the New Year

Getting Ready for the New Year, Organization, Goals, Tips for the New Year

Getting Ready for the New Year - Find Part 2 here and Part 3 here.

Here are 5 tips to help you have a successful New Year.

1) Be organized. When you know where things are and have a somewhat clean space to work in, you'll be more likely to get things done.

2) Have a written plan. When you keep it all in your head, chances are you will forget something. It will also take more time to get going. Write out your plan the night before (if you just do a daily plan) or on Sunday (if you do a weekly plan). You will get more accomplished this way.

If you are looking for a Seller Planner, you can find mine here. I've used and tweaked this planner for the last 5 or so years.
TPT Seller Planner; getting ready for the new year
3) Get rid of distractions. Turn off the phone, the notifications, FB, email, the tv, etc. When you are focused on your task, more is accomplished.

4) Let perfectionism go. You don't have to be perfect on each and every product. They need to be professional. They don't need to include everything under the sun. At some point, you just need to let go, stop adding to the product, and post it. You can't sell it if it isn't in your store.

5) Be productive, not just busy. Being productive - engaging in the production of goods or other important activities to move you store forward. Being busy - doing things that don't necessarily matter, the unimportant tasks that don't move the needle. I can spend my day reading FB posts, reading emails, posting quotes on IG, reading the Forums, etc., but it doesn't get a product completed or pins created.

❖ If you are looking for some help with planning, goal setting, focus, and motivation, check out my course Plan and Take Action. I will walk you through evaluating your time, setting goals, planning, and tips on focus and motivation.
Image of desktop with Plan and Take Action, Image of laptop with view of inside course
❖ If you are looking for some help with planning, goal setting, data tracking, or selling, check out the seller resources in my store

 More tips for TPT sellers can found in posts in the FB Group: TPT Seller Tips and Advice. Come join us as you work towards a productive and successful year!

Getting Ready for the New Year, organization, goals, tips for the new year

Getting Ready for the New Year Part 2


Spicing Up Your TPT Custom Categories