Idea Explosion

Idea Explosion write your ideas down, notebook, Evernote, Trello
You try to go to sleep at night - product ideas pop into your head. You drive to work - product ideas pop into your head. You sit down to create a product. Next thing you know 20 ideas are popping into your head for other products. What do you do? It's time to get those ideas out of your head and onto a list.
Idea Explosion write your ideas down, notebook, Evernote, Trello

You can create the standard list on paper. Keep a notebook handy just for product ideas. You can also make your list part of your planner.
Idea Explosion write your ideas down, notebook, Evernote, Trello
Use Evernote or Trello. With these apps, you can jot down your ideas and the app will sync across your devices. Both of these apps allow you to create notebooks or boards for organizing similar ideas or subjects. You could create a notebook/board for each idea and jot in some specifics you want to remember. I have tried both and prefer Evernote over Trello. In Evernote, I am able to do what I need to do without paying for the upgrade.

The main thing is to do a "brain dump". Get your ideas and some specifics out of your head to clear your mind. Whenever you feel on idea overload, jot 'em down.

One word of caution. Be careful of "your" ideas. We take inspiration from a lot of places. We see products on TPT, in our Pinterest/FB/IG feeds, in the newsletter, and from the products we purchase. Be sure your ideas are YOUR IDEAS and not someone else's.


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